Kerala Vehicle registration Codes:
Registration codes can be easily decoded from the following .
The second part was a numerical District-Code starting from 01 for
Trivandrum, ending at 14 for Kasargod and 15 for Sate Transport
Undertaking (KSRTC).
The last
part is numerical part starting from 1 to 9999. When the number comes
to 9999 a third part is introduced in between the second and last
numerical parts. This third part represents the ‘series’ starting from A
to Z avoiding ‘I’ and ‘O’. When the series comes to ‘Z’ new series
starts from AA to AZ and then BA to ZZ avoiding ‘I’ and ‘O’.
examples of registration Number in Trivandrum.
KL-01-AJ-86 (‘KL’ –state code, 01- Office code, AJ-Series, 86-Running Number)